How Numbers Influence a Person’s Life

Numerology Numbers 2013

Numbers have a certain amount of power over people. A certain order of digits on a clock can propel them to drive faster; to hurry up and to even sweat. A number on a calendar can give one the impulse to go out and buy gifts for friends. Some people have lucky numbers and follow this number whenever they see it in any form, treating it as a “sign” that promises better things. Some people see a number and feel fear.

It is common for the number 13 to have the reputation of being unlucky. In a casino, you’ll never find a 13th floor. The elevator buttons go from 12 straight to 14. It is designed that way to hold back a fear that will strike in the hearts of many people sensitive to numbers.

There is a system that many study called “Numerology”. This is least popular than astrology, but like astrology, as opposed to planets, it is the numbers that hold meaning and give certain traits to people. What are your numbers? Try our free numerology calculator to get your number predictions for 2013. Do you know how you are being influenced by them? Numbers are another mystery worth figuring out in order to have more control over your life.

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