Astrology Circle

Try these online fortune tellers that predict your future in seconds. Fortune telling guides you in your day-to-day life problems as well as future fortune predictions. Let the Oracles and the different forms of divination help you lead a happy life!

Featured Apps
Use the Zener cards to improve your psychic and clairvoyant abilities better. Test your precognition and ESP skills to guess the right  more..
What do the Kau Cim fortune sticks predict for you today? Kau Cim also known as Chien Tung is an ancient form of Chinese fortune telling  more..
Get your rune stone horoscope for the day. Know what the free daily rune reading has to say about your love, relationships, health, wealth  more..
Yes No Question And Answer
Yes or No Oracle 2016-2017 is a simple fortune telling tool that may be employed to solve day-to-day troubles in our lives. Only questions that may be resolved in yes no type will give the most truthful final results. So get started and get excellent advice!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Chinese Gong Hee Fot Choy Oracle
Gong Hee Fot Choy Chinese oracle is a very old form of Chinese divination. Know more about the cards and houses of and their influence on the future potentialities in diverse aspects in your life.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Lenormand Oracle Predictions
The Lenormand cards are comparable to the Tarot deck and had been made by Marie Anne. Lenormand Oracle generates a reading for a person and helps find answers.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Moleosophy And Birth Marks Predictons
Moleosophy or the study of Moles allows you to be aware of the value of your moles. Moles if translated correctly can state a great deal about a person. And give forecast and predictions about his/her future.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Shri Ram Prashnavali
A free Ram Prashnavali divination offers you quotes from Ramcharitmanas, which indicate the way to success. Take a free Shree Ramcharitmanas Prashnavali reading now to know more.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Reading Tea Leaves
Tasseography or tea leaf reading is an online fortune telling application that predicts what the future has in store for you based on patterns formed by tea leaves in a cup. Get an instant psychic teacup prediction now.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Daily Fortune Cookie Online
Break Open A Fortune Cookie Daily! Predictions made the truly Chinese way.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Interpretation Of Dreams
Dream analysis assists you to interpret your good dreams and nightmares instantly. This online for free dream analysis tool can help you comprehend your dreams and get a much better grasp of them. Take this free dream analysis online and interpret all your dreams, visions and nightmares to know the true meanings behind these dreams.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Test Psychic Ability
This psychic ability test helps you judge your intuitive abilities and powers. Discover your hidden precognitive skills. Take this clairvoyant test with different scenarios and improve your existing empathic abilities.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Free Runes Reading 2016 - 2017
Rune stones reading is actually a fantastic application that offers totally free runes reading using rune stones of the Futhark. This can help one get a clear insight to the problems bothering them.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
I Ching Hexagrams
Let the wisdom of the Chinese I-Ching guide you in your quest for answers. Get amazing accurate predictions from the Yi Jing or Book of Changes.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Free Rune Reading For The Day
Get your rune stone horoscope for the day. Know what the free daily rune reading has to say about your love, relationships, health, wealth and family.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
IChing Hexagram For The Day
Get your personalized 2016 I Ching hexagram Reading for today. Let the Daily IChing predict how you day will be.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Daily Feng Shui Tips 2016
A Daily Feng Shui Tip can empower and improve your life with its amazing but simple advice. Attain happiness and prosperity by taking a free reading everyday.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Psychic Colors
Improve your psychic abilities with this free intuitive psychic colors tool. By taking this clairvoyant quiz, you can improve your psychic strengths and become a better psychic. Let your intuition and telepathy help yourself and others in need.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Ask the Ogham for free fortune predictions. Know more about the past, present and future based on this Celtic Oracle. This free Ogham alphabet fortune telling reading prepares you for the worst and increases your confidence.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Am I Clairvoyant?
Are you clairvoyant? Take this test to find out if have highly developed senses.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Are You Psychic?
Do you experience the feeling of being intuitive or capable to see or feel things without having to be really present on location? Then you may be a psychic and therefore are fortunate to be blessed with clairvoyance abilities. Take this quick and simple test to understand and develop your natural psychic powers.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Kau Cim
What do the Kau Cim fortune sticks predict for you today? Kau Cim also known as Chien Tung is an ancient form of Chinese fortune telling using a cup full of bamboo sticks. This Oriental Oracle is used to answer your questions relating to any issue that you may have on your mind. The questions may be something major or can also be mundane day to day issues. But be assured. All your queries will be answered by this online Kau Cim fortune teller. So wait no more! Remove all doubts from your mind. Take a deep breath, concentrate on the question on hand and click on the button!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Free Empathy Quotient Test
Am I an Empath? If you have a highly sensitive intuition and can feel things much before others then, most probably, you have a sense of feeling and extra sensory perception...  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Domino Fortune Telling
Use this incredible Domino fortune telling tool to get free predictions and a deeper insight into your problems and issues. This ancient form of Chinese divination or fortune telling using dominos figures of tiles can guide you in your day to day queries so that you can take decisions without any doubt. Take this free domino prediction test now and see for yourself. Choose any dominoes tile and click on it for an instant free reading.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Mahjong Chinese Fortune Teller
Mahjong cards or tiles are played as a card game or for fortune telling in China since ancient times. This free online Chinese Mahjong fortune teller forecasts your future instantly. Get predictions for love, health, wealth and career and plan your life accordingly.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Solistry - Divination By Feet
Solistry or podomancy (pedomancy) is a form of fortune telling by analyzing your foot or toes. Get a free online personality reading based on the shape of your feet and toes, size of the big foot, arches, toe nail colors and more. Understand yourself better and know what your foot is trying to tell you. Improve your negative traits and become a successful person.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Zener Cards
Use the Zener cards to improve your psychic and clairvoyant abilities better. Test your precognition and ESP skills to guess the right Zener card symbol. Practice till you can perfect your psychic strengths. Symbols can help you concentrate better and thus put your intuition to full use. Try this psychic symbol quiz with Zener cards and become an expert at doing psychic readings.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Telesthesia (telaesthesia) or fortune telling by itching on body parts predicts your good and bad fortunes. Are you itching suddenly? Know what this sudden itching or scratching means with a free itching fortune telling prediction. The location where the itching occurs is most important since some parts are favorable while some are not. Get your personal prediction now and be ready to overcome any unwanted obstacles.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Sabian Oracle
Know what the Sabian Oracle predicts for you today. Understand the symbolic messages and images of the Sabian symbols of the zodiac. Use the 360 degrees of wisdom to your benefit. Get clear guidance and help of the Sabian symbols Oracle to solve your problems. Concentrate now on the Sabian image and the message for you and get immediate answers to your queries.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Tibetan Oracle
What does the Tibetan Oracle have to say about your past, present and future? If you wish to get a clear insight into the different aspects of your life, then wait no more. Let the Tibetan prayer beads show your path for the future and what the Gods have planned for you. Know your lucky or unlucky times in seconds and take actions accordingly. Get your fortune predictions for important affairs and be a step ahead!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Lucky Charms & Symbols
Lucky charms or good luck symbols can help you with their positive vibes. Take a lucky charm reading everyday and see your fortunes change. There are different kinds of good luck symbols for success and prosperity in different fields. Try these good luck charms and see if they actually work for you. Get your personal lucky charm now from the popular good luck symbols and see how your life changes!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Arithmancy Number Meanings
Arithmancy or fortune telling by names and numbers is a magical divination tool. Know the three numbers that can influence your current and future life. Get a free analysis of your social, character and heart numbers and the effect of their vibrations on you. In recent times Arithmancy has also become popular as a branch of magic associated with the magical values of numbers in the Hogwarts School. Get to know your personality based on this ancient discipline of magic using your name and date of birth. Know your strengths and weaknesses and overcome all obstacles by making the right decisions in life.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Coffee Reading
Know your fortune with a free Coffee Reading online. What does the future have in store for you? Get free fortune telling predictions from the patterns made by coffee grounds in a cup. Coffee cup reading is similar to tea leaf reading or tasseography using psychic abilities. Turkish coffee readings too can be used to tell fortunes for you and for others. If you wish to get instant answers to your problems, then wait no more. Let this accurate online coffee grounds fortune teller help you make the right decisions. Try this online coffee reader today and get instant predictions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Yi Jing
What does the Yi Jing or Mei Hua Xin Yi predict for you today? Based on the I Ching or the Chinese book of Changes this unique fortune telling tool makes predictions based on your date of birth. Also known as plum blossom numerology, this Oracle uses the hexagrams and trigrams of the I Ching to predict answers to your questions. Know more about what the future has in store for you with a free Yi Jing prediction and be prepared to overcome obstacles in life. Consult The Yi Jing Oracle Now!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Bibliomancy also known as Stichomancy or Libromancy is a form of fortune telling using scared text. This applies to verses of the different religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The holy Books of these religions namely Vedas, Koran, Bible (New Testament and Old Testament) I Ching consist of verses which are filled with wisdom and knowledge. Make use of the philosophies of these texts and get a clear insight into your destiny and fortunes. Get a free far sighted insight into your future and thus accomplish your goals easily. Get your Bibliomancy fortune right now!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Shri Hanuman Chalisa
Let the wisdom of the Shri Hanuman Chalisa guide you in your quest for answers. Hanuman Chalisa is a religious poem written in Hindi by Tulsidas in praise of Lord Hanuman (Anjenya or Maruti). Each of the 40 verses or ‘chaupais’, have the power to bring a many positive thoughts in your life. Recite the Shree Hanuman Chalisa and understand its meaning in English. Meditate on the Hanuman Chalisa to improve your concentration everyday!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Psychic Powers
If you are a natural psychic or one blessed with the powers of seeing, feeling, hearing or knowing things before they happen, then wouldn’t you want to know where your psychic strengths lie in? Take this amazing clairvoyant quiz and know your dominant psychic ability. Psychic strengths or powers can help you find the right answers to your questions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
What Kind Of Psychic Am I
Do you know what kind of psychic abilities you possess? Know the magical strengths that make you different from other psychics. Are you a Shaman, Medium, Channeler or Empath? Take this free quiz and understand your psychic powers better.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Animal Totems
Animal totems is an online fortune teller using the wisdom of animals found in Australia. Animals act as spirit guides and can help you find answers to your problems. Take a deep breath and ask for a prediction right away. This animal totem guide can help you understand yourself better with the help of its readings which include characteristics of animals with respect to the past, present and future.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Cleromancy (Astragalomancy / Psephomancy) or fortune telling using dice is one of the most popular forms of divination or foretelling. This ancient Chinese method of fortune telling is practiced even today to get an insight into issues. Yes no questions are easily answered using dice divination. Each of the different combinations that are displayed has a different answer to your questions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Geomantic Fortune Teller
Geomantic Fortune Teller is an online fortune teller that uses 16 geomantic figures for making predictions. Also known as earth divination, geomancy helps answer your questions with the help of the geomantic chart. Know in detail about the placement of each geomantia figures, its name, characteristics and other details. Put together all the figures and you will have got a reply to your queries. Try this earth oracle today for instant predictions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Goddess Fortune Telling
Get instant answers to your problems with this free online Goddess fortune telling oracle. Each god/ goddess is associated with certain wisdom and can act as your guide. Accomplish your goals and be sure to be victorious. Each God / Goddess reading helps you understand the circumstance that you may have to face. You are also advised on the kind of action that is needed in order to overcome the obstacles.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Greek Alphabet Oracle
Let the Greek alphabet oracle make predictions for the day. This accurate and outstanding fortune teller can guide you with its wisdom and help you make the right decisions. Take a deep breath and concentrate on your problem. Then click on the oracle and get instant answers. Get an insight into your life with this ancient divination method using letters of the Greek alphabet.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Kanji Symbols
Japanese Kanji symbols have long been used for fortune telling. Originally from China, Kanji symbols were developed from the alphabet inscribed on Kanji stones. This daily fortune telling tool predicts your fortune for today and every other day. Get a free Kanji reading and know how your day is going to turn out to be. Get meanings for each kanji symbol and use the wisdom of the Kanji reading to make your decisions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Qumalaq or Kumalak is a form of fortune telling with its origins in Kazhakasthan. This form of Persian geomancy or divination can help you know more about your past, present and future. A Kumalak reading consists of placement of 41 coffee beans or pebbles on the different grids of the Kumalak chart. Get a free instant Qumalaq reading now and get a deep understanding between yourself and nature. Also get detailed interpretations for different combinations or placement of the pebbles.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Medicine Wheel
Medicine wheel is a popular form of Native American fortune telling. Wouldn’t you want some guidance in your life on certain decisions that you are unable to take? Take the help of this online medicine wheel or sacred hoops fortune teller which has stones placed in a certain pattern. Each stone is numbered depending on its position in the wheel. This form of medicine wheel is used for spiritual and mental healing. You can use this free fortune teller on a daily basis to know your need number, problem number and solution number.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Number Fortune Teller
Number fortune teller predicts a number for you whose significance can help you solve your issues. This form of fortune telling using numerology numbers has been used to help people get an insight into their problems. Get a fortune number for past, present and future and get clear guidance as to how to make the right decisions. Let the numerological oracle make things easy for you today!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Sikidy fortune telling is a popular method of divination from Madagascar. Sikidy means ‘figures’ in Arabic is practiced with the help of 16 geomantic figures. Each figure has its own meaning and attribute. Knowing the implication of placement of each geomantic figure in the Sikidy chart can help one be prepared for the future. Malagasy Sikidy geomancy is usually practiced with coffee beans or pebbles. Get your personalized Sikidy prediction right now!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Get your personalized Cyclomancy revolving wheel fortune for the day! Know what the wheel has to predict for you today. This form of wheel fortune telling using numbers can help you in take the right decisions and solve your problems. Ask a question and rotate the wheel. The wheel pointer will come to stop at a random number that can guide with its wisdom. Get instant fortune predictions right now!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Psychic Cards
Try the psychic cards test and know if you are a born clairvoyant or need to practice. Guess the right playing cards and improve your psychic abilities. Follow the simple instructions and learn the skill of making the right predictions. Let the playing cards help you become a better psychic by making use of your telepathic and ESP powers. Take the psychic cards quiz and know and see where you stand.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Dice Fortune Telling
Get a free dice fortune telling prediction and get instant online predictions. Be it your love life or some work related problems; get immediate solutions to all your questions. Fortune telling dice are mainly used to predict yes no answers. Dice and dominoes have been used for geomancy and forecasting the future since ancient times. Cast the fortune dice right now and get instant future predictions.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
2016 Fortune Crystals
Fortune crystals is an online crystal healer that forecasts your future. It makes predictions based on the healing properties of crystals for 2016.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Name Color Fortune Teller
Let the Name Color Fortune Teller show you the right colors that are associated with your first and last name. When you use your lucky colors, they give out positive vibrations that boost your energy. If you choose your colors depending on what you are currently called, you can see immediate changes in your life. Choose the best colors for your full name and you will instantly see the difference. Use this fantastic color oracle and find the colors that relax and energize you.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Lost Objects Finder
Lost objects finder is a Vedic astrology program that helps you find objects that you may have lost or misplaced. This is based on the principle of the 27 Nakshatras or lunar mansions (birth star). You just need to input the date and time of loss of object. The result generated will include the direction in which the object might be found or if it is lost forever. Trace your lost and misplaced items with this free online Nakshatra fortune teller right now.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Nakshatra Fortune Telling
Get a free Nakshatra fortune telling prediction right away and lead a happy and prosperous life. Nakshatra or birth star is one of the most important calculations in Vedic astrology that directly or indirectly influence our lives. Know how your birth Nakshatra can shape your current day. Let this excellent online Nakshatra Oracle guide you with its wisdom.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Rune I-Ching
Use the wisdom of the Rune I-Ching fortune teller to know the where your life is leading. Let the combined wisdom of western astrology, runes and I Ching help you achieve your goals and be successful. The runes of the Elder Futhark and the Chinese Book of Changes have been long known for the wisdom and knowledge that they impart. Get your personal runic astrology cum I Ching reading to know more.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Mediterranean Fortune Telling
Get instant answers to all your problems with this free online Mediterranean fortune telling oracle. Ask the fortune teller to predict your future. Know more about your love, career, health and wealth prospects. This online God/ goddess divination can help you deal with almost all issues in your life. Seek advice and guidance from the Mediterranean oracle today!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Zodiac Dice
Know your fortunes with the zodiac dice. Understand the relation between astrology and dice of fortune. Appreciate the influence of astrological planets, houses and signs on dice fortune telling and their total effect on your life. Take multiple readings that can help you analyze the direction and purpose of your life. Cast the zodiac dice today to know more!  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Color Oracle
Get your personal color oracle reading right away. Let this online color fortune teller help you understand your problems better and thus guide you in finding the perfect solution. The different colors on a colour wheel have different effects on individuals. Some make people happy and motivated, while some colors can relax and calm your mind. Get your personalized color fortune now to know your lucky colors.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Geomancy Astrology
A geomancy astrology prediction gives you an instant online analysis of your astrology sign with respect to earth divination. The 16 geomantic figures are placed in different houses on your personal geomancy chart. Each house has its own interpretation and influence on your life. Ask the earth oracle and get instant answers for all your astrological houses.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
Online Ramcharitmanas Prashnavali and get instant guidance. Ask the oracle for solutions and peace of mind. This form of fortune telling has been widely used for ages to get total relief from all kinds of problems and helps you in taking the right decisions. Take a deep breath and ask the Prashnavali to help you make the right choices in life.  more..
Category:  Fortune Teller
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